Social responsability
We believe in a more inclusive and sustainable economic model. We work with a social conscience that seeks to provide well-being and awaken in people their possibilities as individuals and citizens.
Ciranda Viva Project
In 2014, in partnership with AVSI Brasil, we started CIRANDA VIVA RECÔNCAVO, a social project that works with the communities of Pedras, Flechas and Veadinho, in the municipality of Catu-BA, with the objective of helping communities to develop themselves sustainable, rescuing and valuing its culture and identity.
At CIRANDA EDUCATIVA, we promote the values of environmental education and food safety for children aged 4 to 6 years, who participate in gardening activities, reading workshops and also joint efforts for nutritional assessment, involving parents and guardians.
CIRANDA ESPORTIVA encourages the practice of sports as a tool for development. Children and teenagers participate in futsal, handball, volleyball and basketball classes, as well as collaborative games and games. The project, which started in 2017 and also has the support of Ferbasa, currently benefits around 100 young people between 7 and 17 years old, students from public schools in the region.

Projeto Viva Sabiá
In 2021, we expanded our social actions through another partnership with AVSI Brazil, implementing the socio-environmental program Viva Sabiá in four communities surrounding the Company’s operations in Ativo Potiguar, in Rio Grande do Norte.
The program, which seeks to promote sustainable development, environmental education, and foster entrepreneurship, is expected to benefit more than 500 people in the regions of Monte Alegre 1, Monte Alegre 2, Olho D’água da Onça, Lages, and Livramento.
Some of the actions already implemented include:
- The installation of a water disinfection system, Aqualuz, making it potable for consumption by 38 families and a school, with its scope expanded throughout 2022;
- Promotion of socio-environmental education workshops on water use and consumption;
- Studies on the importance of access to potable water.
The program will also feature corporate volunteer projects for the renovation of water tanks in the communities throughout the year. We want to involve our employees in the objective of continuing to contribute to social development in the Brazilian northeast, maintaining a sensitive approach to the communities and opening up space for a dignified future for all.
Security and environment
Safety and Occupational Health are a priority at PetroReconcavo. The promotion of the health and physical integrity of our employees and third parties is of paramount importance for the development of our activities. Our Safety, Health, Environment and Sustainability Management System provides the applicability of our standards and procedures and contributes to the prevention of risks through training and development of our employees, committing them and motivating them in matters of HSE.
Ethics and Transparency
We have Integrity as one of our values and we believe that the success of our business is linked to a transparent and ethical relationship with our employees, customers, suppliers, regulatory agencies, governments, unions, investors and the community. We maintain open communication channels with the community to answer questions, receive suggestions and also any reports of non-compliance with our Code of Conduct.
Check out our Code of Conduct and the Anti-Corruption Guide.